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  1. Zscaler ZPA App Segments API
    1. Overview
    2. References
    3. Class Methods
    4. Adding a ZPA Application Segment
    5. Deleting a ZPA Application Segment
    6. Getting a list of all ZPA Application Segments
    7. Getting information on a ZPA Application Segment
    8. Updating a ZPA Application Segment

Zscaler ZPA App Segments API


Application Segments are used to configure groups of Applications in ZPA.


Class Methods

The pyZscaler Application Segments Class can be accessed via zpa.app_segments.

The following methods are supported by pyZscaler for ZPA Application Segments.

Adding a ZPA Application Segment

This section details how you can add an Application Segment in ZPA using pyZscaler.

Class Methods used

  • add_segment()


You must create the following objects in ZPA before you can add an Application Segment:

The ZPA API requires the following params to be provided when adding an Application Segment:

  • name
  • segment_group_id
  • server_groups
  • tcp_ports or udp_ports

Basic Example

We can add a location with the absolute minimum required parameters as per below:

from pyzscaler.zpa import ZPA
from pprint import pprint

zpa = ZPA()

app_segment = zpa.app_segments.add_segment(
    name="Web Frontends",
    tcp_ports=["443", "443"],

pprint(app_segment)  # Print the app segment
pprint(  # Print the app segment ID

The add_segment() method will return the created Application Segment as a dict and you can access the keys using dot notation thanks to box. In the example above, we can print the entire Application Segment record that’s returned or a single key, e.g. id.

Example: Adding a ZPA Application Segment with additional params

We’ll use a similar example to our basic one above, but this time we’ll use a few more parameters to further define our Application Segment. It should be fairly obvious what this does, but in summary:

  • Create an application segment that covers port 22 (SSH) for access to a development jumpbox accessible via There is already a segment group created and a server group for this app. We’ll enable the application segment, ensure CNAME is being pushed to ZCC and set health reporting to CONTINUOUS.
from pyzscaler.zpa import ZPA

zpa = ZPA()

app_segment = zpa.app_segments.add_segment(
    name="Development Jumpbox",
    description="SSH Access to Development Jumpbox",
    tcp_ports=["22", "22"],

Deleting a ZPA Application Segment

This section details how you can delete an Application Segment in ZPA using pyZscaler.

Class Methods used

  • delete_segment()


Deleting an Application Segment using the ZPA API requires the Application Segment ID. This ID needs to be provided to the pyZscaler delete_segment() method.

The ZPA API provides the HTTP status code as a response and this is returned from the delete_segment() method as a str.


You’ll need the id of the Application Segment you’re going to delete.


We’ll delete an Application Segment and add a quick check for the successful deletion code 429 just in case something goes wrong!

from pyzscaler.zpa import ZPA

zpa = ZPA()

print(zpa.app_segments.delete_segment('232356567677776'))  # Print the status code

# Assign the status code to a variable and then do something with it
status = zpa.app_segments.delete_segment('232356567677776')
if status != '429':
    print('Something went wrong.')

Getting a list of all ZPA Application Segments

This section details how you can get a list of Application Segments in ZPA using pyZscaler.

Class Methods used

  • list_segments()


There’s plenty that you can do with a list of Application Segments. The returned list from this method will provide all Application Segments with each being its own dict. If you familiarise yourself with the data structure for an Application Segment then you can easily access key values using box notation.


See the comments in the code block for a description of the different examples.

from pyzscaler.zpa import ZPA
from pprint import pprint

zpa = ZPA()

# We can assign the returned app segment list to a variable
app_segments = zpa.app_segments.list_segments()

# We can iterate over the app segment list and do something
for app_segment in app_segments:

    # Only print the IDs

    # Print the name and ports
    print('Name: ',
    if 'tcp_port_ranges' in app_segment:
        print('TCP Ports: ')
        for port in app_segment.tcp_port_ranges:
    if 'udp_port_ranges' in app_segment:
        print('UDP Ports: ')
        for port in app_segment.udp_port_ranges:

Getting information on a ZPA Application Segment

This section details how you can get information for a single Application Segment in ZPA using pyZscaler.

Class Methods used

  • get_segment()


The get_segment() method is most useful when you want to retrieve some Application Segment properties to use in another API call. Remember that you can access dict keys using box notation e.g.


You’ll need the id of the Application Segment to use this method.


from pyzscaler.zpa import ZPA
from pprint import pprint

zpa = ZPA()

# We can assign the returned app segment list to a variable
app_segment = zpa.app_segments.get_segment('9161963824890752113')

# Print the name of the app segment

Updating a ZPA Application Segment

This section details how you can update an Application Segment in ZPA using pyZscaler.

Class Methods used

  • update_segment()


The ZPA API requires you to provide certain parameters in an update API call, even if you aren’t modifying them. pyZscaler simplifies the update process by allowing you to provide only the parameters you want to change. All other properties for the object will remain unchanged.


You’ll need the id of the Application Segment that you want to update.


See the comments in the code block for a description of the different examples.

from pyzscaler.zpa import ZPA
from pprint import pprint

zpa = ZPA()

# Update the name of an app segment
                                name='Datacenter RDP')

# Disable an app segment

# Enable multiple app segments
app_segments = ['9161963824890752114', '9161963824890752115', '9161963824890752116']

for segment_id in app_segments: